KCK Petrol Fuel Conditioner
It is suitable for use in all Petrol Injection and Carburettor systems with all grades of petroleum fuels.
* The very latest technology in Injector Cleaners
*KCK RE40 Petrol Fuel Conditioner Restores peak performance
*Keeps injectors free of fouling deposits
* Controls the formation of combustion chamber deposits
*Helps to control exhaust emissions.
KCK RE40 Petrol Fuel Conditioner provides IVD keep clean, PFI keep clean and clean up performance to; US EPA,
LAC performance requirements, BMW 10,000 mile D 5500 IVD test,
Chrysler 2.2L TC D5598 PFI Keep Clean Test, Keep Clean <5% flow loss in 10,000 miles ...
Chrysler 2.2L TC PFI Cleanup Test, clean up all injectors to 95% original flow in one tank and
BMW Unlimited Mileage criteria
Our formulation is based on Hybrid detergent, dispersant and fluidizer chemistries, and meets the
EPA 1997 final Rule regulation, section 211L of the Clean Air act.
Australian made and owned
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